..Just Another Travesty of Justice.
Of course, I was compelled to be there. The raw emotions shared by folks all over the world, and the fact that another young soul has been extinguished. The powers that be would have us think that there are some doubts and question marks hovering over this case, and there may well be. The biggest question just might be why this man was not arrested at the very least, and held, or why the state of Florida believes in having an " OK Corral" mentality to run rampant in its streets, so individuals like Mr. Zimmerman can prowl the streets of Sanford, and live out there " Wanna Be Cop" fantasies on unsuspecting citizens,..oh wait,..no wonder, it was a Bush that authored that law, (reminiscent of big brother George's Texas days) I am not surprised. So, get your can of Arizona Ice Tea, and your hoodie on, don't forget your bag of skittles, and lets voice our outrage. Here are images from the first Love Park vigil for Trayvon Martin, held on march 26, 2012.